Massage Cupping

Massage Cupping is an adaptation of an ancient technique.  Glass or plastic cups are used to create a suction on the surface of the body.  These cups are then moved over the skin.  This suction reaches deep into the soft tissue, attachments and organs.  Another benefit is to pull toxins and inflammation from the body to the surface of the skin where the lymphatic system can more readily eliminate them.


Massage Cupping relieves:


  • Tight or hardened muscles
  • Pain and restriction of movement
  • Scar tissue
  • Edema
  • Restricted lymphatic flow and circulation
  • Inflammation of joints and tissue
  • Trigger points


Some of the conditions that respond to Massage Cupping:


  • Fibromyalgia
  • Bursitis, Tendonitis
  • Sluggish colon, IBS
  • Stagnant Lymph and edema
  • Poor circulation
  • Sciatica
  • Poorly nourished skin and muscle tissue
  • Lung inflammation and congestion
  • Cellulite
  • Toxicity
  • Pre and post operative conditions
  • TMJ
  • Diabetes
  • Parkinson's
  • Plantar fasciatis
  • Athletic stress and injury


Most cupping treatments are short in duration - most lasting around 15-30 minutes and can be incorporated into or added onto your massage.


*Not all of our therapists are trained in Cupping.  Please mention cupping when scheduling your appointment to make sure we schedule you with the appropriate therapist.

      (941) 721-4559

North River Body Therapies has been winning awards for Best Massage Therapist and Favorite Day Spa since 2011!



We have evening and Saturday appointments to accommodate your busy schedule!

(941) 721-4559

Book your next appointment online right now! 

 *Appointments can not be booked online less than 24 hours prior to desired appointment time.  Please call the office for same-day appointments.


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